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Giant Wagers Aims for the Big Time at Euro 2016

Di Camila "Crimson" Phelps

Giant Wagers has its sights set on a major victory at the 2016 European Championship.

The 2014 World Cup marked a crucial juncture for the enterprise. Just as the competition commenced, they had finalized their initial product collaborations. Two years on, CEO Bernard Marantelli aspires to make Euro 2016 another watershed moment.

Substantial transformations have taken place at Giant Wagers since the previous major international football contest. In 2014, they were a football-focused organization with a modest staff of six, dependent on external tech resources. They had just established their first two business-to-business alliances with Betfair and Betdaq. Although the cash-out function for sports wagering products was gaining momentum, Giant Wagers stood alone as the sole supplier of a “fractional” cash-out choice.

Advance a year and a half, and they have evolved into a multifaceted sports betting firm boasting a 30-person team. Their entire technological infrastructure is now developed and supported internally. They have garnered numerous industry accolades and forged partnerships with 10 business-to-business collaborators spanning five continents, with more in the pipeline before the Euros. Unsurprisingly, the fractional cash-out feature has gained widespread acceptance, becoming an industry norm.

As the Euros draw near, the online wagering arena is alive with rivalry, presenting a diverse selection of sports betting offerings.

A perfect illustration is the rise of specialized firms concentrating on tailored offerings, such as “on-demand” wagers, fantasy leagues (DraftKings’ UK market entrance is significant), and player rankings. Additionally, our own lottery-scale prize funds continue to expand.

Nevertheless, the true strength resides with organizations possessing a deep understanding of their player community. In that regard, the industry’s amalgamation – featuring fewer, larger entities – is actually rendering the market less congested.

Regarding major competitions like the Euros, do you possess specific promotional strategies for them? Or do you adhere to the established and effective tactics employed throughout the football calendar?

Large-scale tournaments are ideal for our cumulative prize funds. You experience a month of top-tier televised games every single day. This grants us the chance to provide million-pound-plus pools practically daily, almost as if every day is Saturday! It’s akin to compressing a miniature football season into four weeks, with a corresponding possibility to maintain player engagement and enthusiasm.

All of this signifies that our B2C and B2B marketing endeavors will be in high gear, particularly in June. It’s a distinct challenge compared to the regular season, but in numerous ways, it’s more uncomplicated and undoubtedly more exhilarating.

Throughout the tournament weeks, do you anticipate a surge in participants compared to a typical month during the league schedule? If so, how does Colossus Bets ready itself for this?

Indeed, without a doubt.

The global football tournament significantly impacted our business! We experienced remarkable sales surges and brand visibility, even securing our initial business-to-business collaborations. With a strengthened base and a considerably broader distribution system, we anticipate the European Championship to yield similarly rapid expansion.

Previously, we collaborated directly with individual athletes, but now, the majority discover us through our business-to-business associates. Our emphasis is on assisting them and guaranteeing our central Colossus framework operates flawlessly and dependably. We’ve developed what we deem the most sophisticated and adaptable jackpot system available – it’s also the sole one providing early withdrawal – granting us a genuine advantage.

Naturally, maintaining the engagement of those new European Championship patrons is paramount. The one-month lull following the tournament poses a hurdle for a football-centric product, yet it’s insignificant compared to the extended summer hiatus without a major competition. We’ll be implementing successful World Cup strategies and adapting them to our business-to-consumer clientele.

Equally crucial is determining how to aid our business-to-business partners in re-engaging their clientele come August. We’re confronting this directly with initiatives like incorporating our adaptable complimentary games into their platforms.

The outlook for Colossus Bets post-Euros is promising! We’re enthusiastic about continuous innovation and broadening our presence within the worldwide pool betting sector.

A number of our collaborators are incredibly keen to debut our wagering offerings before the European Championships, and for those who haven’t signed up yet, I believe the commencement of the fresh season in August will certainly pique their interest. July will undoubtedly be all systems go for our technical staff.

After the Euros conclude, our primary objective will be broadening our business-to-business network. We also plan to continue refining our offerings and incorporating fresh functionalities, and we may even explore some new athletic markets.

It’s intriguing to observe that despite the industry’s trajectory, a significant portion of our users still favor utilizing their handheld devices. The seamless functionality of our “Cash Out” option on mobile likely contributes to this – our Colossus product has always been exceptionally mobile-optimized. I anticipate a substantial surge in casual wagering on mobile during the European Championships, which is positive news for us.”